Correspondence Course in Magic and the Western Mysteries.

Correspondence Course in Magic and the Western Mysteries

at the outer court of Lodge Chayot ha-Qodesh

We offer systematic training in ritual magic and the Western Mysteries, providing a complete and comprehensive course for beginners, and facilitating access to the deeper levels of magic for advanced students. This training encompasses the whole of the Western Mystery Tradition.

Click here to enrol for the course!

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What is the correspondence course?
How is this course different from other occult training courses?
How much does the course cost?
Will I receive individual coaching from a personal supervisor?
Do you offer some kind of remote initiation?
What do I have to do in order to participate in this correspondence course?
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What is the correspondence course?

While many seekers wish to become members of a mystery school, they often cannot find a good school or lodge nearby, or they cannot participate in monthly training events, and perhaps even quarterly courses are hard to fit into their private or professional schedules. It is for these people that we offer a correspondence course in ritual magic and the Western Mysteries.

Magical training and instruction in the Mysteries includes meditation, ritual, exercises, and learning units. Although ritual magic is best learned in the presence of a teacher, it is possible to successfully complete the meditations and exercises, as well as parts of the learning units, through a correspondence course. Some of the rituals can even be learned in this way (some important techniques still can, however, only be passed on personally. Just like in vocal training or gymnastics: some things simply cannot be explained in a letter or email. Personal instruction will always be the best option, but not every seeker is fortunate enough to find themselves living near to a good mystery school. In any case, it is preferable to join a first-rate mystery school offering a correspondence course, rather than to resign oneself to an inferior alternative on the grounds of it being closer.

How is this course different from other occult training courses?

This correspondence course was developed with the aim of providing a training optimal in every way to students of the mysteries in order for them to become competent magicians. Students are taught the Mysteries in their entire depth, so they may one day become worthy initiates and priests of the Western Mystery Tradition. In this we have built on the experiences of previous training systems as used by many established occult organisations, keeping what is good and optimising where necessary, so as not to carry the antiquated, erroneous, or non-functional into the present day and age. The correspondence course is neither purely theoretical nor completely practice-oriented, but rather a combination of theory and practice of the highest quality.

How much does the course cost?

Participation in the correspondence course is 85 Euros per year (approx. $ 110 or £ 70), for which you are allowed to join the course and attend one weekend seminar at no extra cost, in order to study those topics which can only be passed on personally. Should you decide to only do the correspondence course without attending any meetings, the annual fee is due nonetheless, which translates to a monthly fee of around 7 Euros. We consider these costs to be more than appropriate, and are of the opinion that any participant of the course should be able to contribute this amount. It also allows us to cover any mailing expenses and other organisatory costs, and additionally it discourages those students who are not truly serious and only want to join because it is for free.

Will I receive individual coaching from a personal supervisor?

Yes, each student is supervised personally by the director of studies or another initiated member of the lodge. In addition, they are assigned an experienced student as mentor (comparable to a tutor) who will assist them in both theoretical and practical matters in any way necessary. In this way each student is sure to receive optimal supervision, support, and the crucial feedback needed for their spiritual development.

Do you offer some kind of remote initiation?

Initiation in the sense in which we use the term, that is, as ritual initiation into the Western Mystery Tradition, is only possible in person, from teacher to student. Personal contact is simply indispensable here. We are aware of some organisations offering initiation at a distance (as is common in Reiki). Mainly this is done for money's sake (or perhaps sometimes out of ignorance). Initiation into the Western Mystery Tradition is not comparable to other forms of so-called "initiation". True initiation is a highly spiritual matter and not something comparable to simply completing an evening class. We consider any form of "remote initiation" as dubious at best, and expressly distance ourselves from such practices.

A student of our correspondence course may, however, under certain circumstances, receive ritual initiation into the Western Mystery Tradition if they are sufficiently dedicated AND if there is a modicum of personal contact. In order to receive the higher initiations, a student has to meet the necessary requirements. At no point in time is the student under any obligation to undergo any initiation rites. It is always the student's free choice whether they strive to be initiated into the Mysteries and to attain to the higher grades of adept-hood. Mankind's free should always be honoured in any kind of spiritual training.

What do I have to do in order to participate in this correspondence course?

You should be ready to earnestly work and learn, magically and spiritually, and in particular you have to be dependable. Persons who are unable to keep appointments or who do not follow rules are out of place in serious magical work. On the other hand, if you are honestly committed, have good common sense, as well as a good sense of humour, you will fit right in. Previous knowledge is not necessary for participation (participating in the training course is independent of membership in the Lodge Chayot ha-Qodesh.)

If you would like to receive further information, or if you have questions regarding this training course which have not already been answered in our FAQ, or which you would rather not discuss in our public forum, you can write to:

To Enroll please check this website later when the questionnaire is online. Until then you may subscribe to our
international newsletter! ... or contact us by email! We are looking forward to hearing from you :-)

Correspondence Course in Magic and the Western Mysteries

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We are an internationally recognized magical lodge and offer serious magical training based on the principles of the Qabbalah (Kabbalah, Kabbala, Kabala), the Hermetic magic and the Western Mysteries. Magical training in an authentic mysteryschool (or magic school, and/or magical order) of the western mystery tradition is the spiritual and mystical preparation for initiation of the student of the mysteries. Like every true magical lodge or magic school and every true Hermetic order we take training in magic very seriously. We stand in the spriritual tradition of the Rosicrucians and do not only teach the ancient ritual magic, the Egyptian magic, the Celtic magic and the Greek mysteries, but also the classical pillars of the Hermetik Tradition such as astrology and Tarot.